Daily Bulletin
Wahpeton Senior High School Bulletin for Friday, March 28, 2025
Blood Drive Student Council is hosting a blood drive in the auditorium on April 3rd from 8:30-12:45. Anyone who is 16 years or older can sign up to donate. Please see Mrs. Schlagel or a Student Council member in the morning or at lunch to sign up.
Prom 2025:
The Junior class is happy to announce PROM 2025 "A Night Under the Stars" on April 5, 2025. Sign up for prom will begin on Tuesday, March 18 at 8:10 in Mrs. Woods room. Prom costs $30 per couple and you must pay to get on the list for Grand March. Post Prom is $20 per person and you can pay for that with Mrs. Woods as well. Cash or checks made out to WHS will be accepted.
New to prom this year, Studio 22 will be providing photography services to students. More details to come. This service is included with prom sign up and available at no additional charge to students.
ASVAB Testing:
Students who want to retake the ASVAB, have another opportunity on April 16th. Please sign up in the office.
Extra Grand March Tickets for Prom:
are on sale now in the high school office. The cost per ticket is $5.00.